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copertina 9788885625389 Basics of Dermatology

Basics of Dermatology

Con la collaborazione di:  Severino Persechino
Curatore:  Antonella Tammaro
Autori saggio:  Marzia Persichetti, Eugenia Di Lorenzo, Hans–Peter Erasmus, Nadia Petrigliano, Verdiana Zollo, Andrea Fatuzzo, Valeria Restaino, Pierfrancesco Lapolla, Rita Bianchi, Linda Busin, Maria Ilaria Faggi, Erica Rossi, Elisa Siano, Alessandro Capalbo, Gabriella De Marco, Domenico Giordano, Giuliano Alessio, Fabiola Luzi, Francesco Morricone, Gabriele Paone, Simone Reale, Francesca Romana Parisella, Alvise Sernicola, Laura Tufano, Yoko Zecchini, Elisa Giangiacomo
Salus Internazionale ECM, 2019
ISBN: 978-88-85625-38-9
Formato: 17 x 24
Pagine: 272
Area 06 - Scienze mediche
Basics of Dermatology is a comprehensive introduction to the daily practice occurring in the care for the most common skin ailments; it is targeted primarily at students, but is also an excellent read for anyone interested in a short yet thorough overview on the fundamentals of dermatology. Thanks to this ease of use it is an ideal resource even for specialists who might want to refresh on skin pathology related to other disease processes. With more than 130 detailed illustrations and pictures from real cases and chapters written with the uninitiated in mind, this book offers a solid foundation and a trustworthy companion for the reader.
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