NdlDistribuzione – Faces of Change – (French Edition)
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copertina 9781540421197 Faces of Change

Faces of Change
(French Edition)

Autore:  Thione Niang
Go Book editore, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-5404-2119-7
Formato: 14 x 23
Pagine: 172
Area 14 - Scienze politiche e sociali
Ce livre décrit le contexte dans lequel ont vécu quelques -unes des figures majeures de notre temps qui contre toute attente ont su changer le cours de notre histoire. Très jeunes déjà, ils ont fait preuve de capacités de leadership et de dévouement ; aujourd’hui encore, leurs apports à l’humanité perdurent. Ce que nous enseigne leur vie, c’est que même des gens qu’on croit simples peuvent obtenir d’immenses résultats et influencer le futur.

This book reflects on the historical context of outstanding world leaders who have altered the course of history against all odds. Their leadership, dedication and contributions to humanity began when they were young, and continued throughout their lives and beyond. Through their work, we are assured that ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary results and manifest the future, as did several iconic Faces of Change. They lit the torch for the modern youth to follow suit. It’s a roadmap of empowerment, enlightenment and engagement- to contribute to a better world. From an anthropological viewpoint the book streamlines political, participative and inquisitive awareness. Thione Niang, an author, political strategist, social entrepreneur and philanthropist, investigates the entire performa required to attain decisive change. Global youth must develop a sense of urgency for leadership and transformation in the horizons of economic equality through social justice. Pluralism, ingenuity and prosperity are the birthright of every global citizen. This definitive journal serves the purpose of enlightening global citizens towards becoming next faces of change. Sharing this collective wisdom will facilitate conclusive elevation of humanity.Get it on Amazon!
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