NdlDistribuzione – Silver Universe – Views on Active Living
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copertina 9781498552325 Silver Universe

Silver Universe
Views on Active Living

Curatore:  Roberto Giua
Lexington Books, 2017
ISBN: 978-1-4985-5232-5
Formato: 15 x 22
Pagine: 332
Area 14 - Scienze politiche e sociali
Silver Universe explores the topic of aging through an interdisciplinary lens while promoting their new idea of "active living" which incorporates exercise alongside a healthy diet and the implementation of disease prevention. The diverse group of contributors shed light on the connections between the psychological, emotional and physical aspects of aging. From psychology (both clinical and social), through neurology, neurogenetics, gerontology, nutrition, economics, communication, law, tourism and theology, this book offers complimentary views on active living to ensure a high quality of life.
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