NdlDistribuzione – Wings – Selected Poems 2000-2005
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copertina 9780972527156 Wings

Selected Poems 2000-2005

Autore:  Franco Buffoni
Traduttore:  Emanuele Di Pasquale
ChelseaEditions, 2008
ISBN: 978-0-9725271-5-6
Pagine: 135
Poetry. Bilingual Edition. Translated from the Italian by Emmanuel Pasquale. The deeply subtle, psychological poems of Buffoni are best quoted: "Once upon a non-time/ I lacked patience with lying children:/ transparency and loyalty fed/ unconditional love/ otherwise no way/ and I restarted from scrap./ Now I save my words I don't waste a glance/ I carefully keep the small rubber band/ the string the clipping;/ I even reassemble truthful puzzles of lies."
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